The 2021 IDIBC Awards of Excellence will be presented on-line this year due to the uncertainty of BC Health Restrictions on large gatherings.
Please join us at 12:00pm on Friday, November 5, 2021 to celebrate the 2021 Submissions and Award Recipients. The event will be presented on-line for free at and there is no pre-registration required. An interactive online Awards Program Booklet will accompany the show.
So gather safely at work or at home and have a fun Viewing Party! Perhaps an extended lunch, an afternoon gathering in the boardroom or showroom, or a TGIF party after work to watch the event.
The most creative individual or group Viewing Party photo wins a prize! Decorate the room, put your Lady Gaga or Lil Nas X on and celebrate – or show off another way to make your gathering extra fun and distinctive! Submit your photo at #IDIBCShineAwards2021 by November 15 to be eligible.
A special thanks to all our sponsors, the IDIBC membership, the Design Community, and all of our stakeholders for your understanding and support in these most challenging times. The live event will be available for future/repeat viewing online until 2022.
Please reach out to or with any further questions about the IDIBC Awards of Excellence.